Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Okay so a good friend from youth group that actually helped me on my struggle with finding God just started talking to me again. I struck up a conversation through Facebook like I usually do, expecting no reply since he vowed never to talk to anyone from St. Louis anymore. Then as I was just getting off he replied to my message. Heart racing, blood pumping, I wrote back trying not to get my hopes up. There was about ten minutes of talking and then he said, "Do you have a phone? I have unlimited texting now and I want to talk to you more."
OHHHHH MYYYYY GOOODDDNNESSS! Made my night, week, month. I am so happy right now!

Thank you for blessing me with a friend that I had lost and who was dear to me. Thank you for allowing another day to praise and serve you, thank you!!! Thank you!!! Thank you :))) Beyond belief!!!
Your servant, sheep, and daughter <3

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