Thursday, September 30, 2010

Understanding Me.

As I dig deeper into my imperfections, and go past the insecurities of my body and personality...i have found that there's a lot of battles I need to face. My mind is warped into believing no one can possibly love me. Not any fault of my family, but it seems through some sort of indecency theres this great void that been put in my heart. Although this has been known for quite sometime I think the actual realization came when I found myself happy, actively social, and spoken today. There's always been doubt that I wasn't a likable person, mainly because I don't even like myself.
Lately by building my character and moral from years of self torment, has helped me to relax, and be who I always wanted to be. True those insecure parts still scream social suicide, but really my heart and soul say other words.

Until we meet again...
Funny line actually. Did you ever think about how that saying goes. "Until me meet again." Hmmm can you meet someone twice, is it because that person has changed somewhat. Or does it refer to the theory is reincarnation of a relationship. Is it the meaning of the excitement in the first moment when you introduce yourself. Or simply "Until we meet again..." means, "Until next time..." Yeah, "Until next time..." Makes sense.
See you cats later!


  1. Years of self torment - boy, can I relate. I don't know why I'm so hard on myself. You'd think that by the time I'd reached this VERY RIPE age of 56 that I'd actually like myself. I have matured, but there's always this little voice saying, "You're not good enough." Christian, I am CONVINCED that that voice is NOT God. God speaks nothing but His love to me...and He speaks the same word to you. He LOVES you, He has CHOSEN you to be His beautiful daughter, He knows you BY NAME!
    You have encouraged me to keep listening to my heart and soul, and to hear what GOD says about me! Thanks...

    Until we meet again...HA!!! :)

  2. Ha thanks Sharon! I know a lot of women and young ladies feel the same way as you a me.
    Sometimes I think there's just something about keeping ourselves down as to not lose that wall of protection around our hearts.
